
Are People Who Have Affairs LIARS?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave...."

Are people who have affairs LIARS? How could it be otherwise?

Discovering a trail of sexual encounters or emotional attachments is painful, but the lying and deception are the most appalling violations.

If you are married to someone who has been having an affair (either physical OR emotional), you have to be able to decipher if the lying is a consequence of this particular situation or an embedded personality trait that is a matter of character.

Lies of commission or lies of ommission? Either way they have a way of scaffolding.

Unfaithful partners report they are protecting their partners from the pain, but in actuality, they are protecting themselves from exposure and having to end the affair.

When the affair is discovered, COMING CLEAN and being upfront about the extent of the affair is the only way for the betrayed spouse to begin recover. FULL DISCLOSURE of significant facts needs to happen in the beginning stages of recovery.




How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Body

I recently posted this great article by Sarah Koppelkam via Huffington to my personal Facebook page. I just love the message. And as my friend pointed out, such a poignant message for parents raising girls AND boys. Have a read....




GREAT NEWS in my house!

In the counseling world, this is what we call a REFRAME:

Why a Teen Who Talks Back May Have a Bright Future: NPR

Happy Wednesday!



Hmmmmm.... ;) Humor for the day.


Men~ Time to get your dusting on...

Women who report a fair division of housework were happier in their marriages than women who thought their husbands didn’t do their fair share. Wives also spent more quality (wink, wink) time with their husbands when they thought the housework was divided fairly.


While men's participation in household chores has risen dramatically, unfortunately, it still lags behind the participation of women.

If asked right now, would both you and your partner agree that housework is equally divided? Who has the better deal?

Intentionally yours,
